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District 2
A unique blend of historic core neighborhoods, newer suburban growth, and varied commercial areas
on Fort Wayne's north side.
Population | 43,941
59 neighborhood associations, including the city's largest - the Northside Neighborhood
Covers portions of both FWCS and NACS district boundaries
Home to Fort Wayne's largest employer - Parkview Health
Includes two of the region's largest higher education institutions - Purdue Fort Wayne and Ivy Tech Northeast
There are many opportunities to enhance quality of life and place
in District 2 in some key ways, including:
Infill Sites for New Housing
Rental Housing Affordability
Complete Neighborhoods
Future Growth & Development
Food Security
Childcare Security
Transportation Options
Historic Districts
The maps in the slideshow below give helpful visuals on these issues and note the areas of opportunity throughout the city.
Maps courtesy of the All in Allen Comprehensive Plan.
Areas outlined in black denote Fort Wayne City Council District boundaries.

Complete Neighborhood Index

Predominant Most Important Issue

Parks Service Area

Complete Neighborhood Index
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